Sri Banashankari Temple, Bengaluru

Sri Banashankari Temple located at Sri S Kariyappa road is one among many popular temples of the state. This temple was established around 106 years ago and a temple of 20th century. Sri Banasahankari is the original deity. This is a construction by humans. Yet the Anjaneya swamy murty is said to be swayambhu.

The place is called Banashankari because of this temple. The government took charge of this temple in the year 2010 and Religious Endowment Department has renovated the temple. There are no inscriptions and other evidences to establish the history. The sculptures on the pillars pertain to Shiva Parivara. There is a well in the corridor and it has never dried up all these years Abhisheka is conducted using the water from this well.

The original goddess of temple is Banashankari of Badami and Basappa shetti is the philanthropist Ganiga Shetty by community as a temple for his clan, Basappa shetty was ill. The goddess appeared in his dream and ordered to take the idol from Badami Basappa shetty obliged, brought the idol and established here. The next generation members- Somanna Shetty and others established temple on 21 st may, 1915 Shankthi Swarupini and Simha vahini is the main idol.

Rahukala puja is the speciality here lemon peel lamp is offered here on Sunday, Tuesday and Fridays. The devotees will get many desires fulfilled. The problems of Sterility and Jathaka dosha are eliminated. Their desires are being met on worshiping the Devi. Devis birthday is celebrated on the full moon day of Bhadrapada. Various alankars, Homa and Havana mark the special celebrations of Navarathri.

